
Happy Hours

Aretha Franklin


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    Aretha Franklin Divergence

Playlist de l’émissionnAretha Franklin: Won’t Be Long;Love Is The Only ThingnBig Daddy G:Big BerrynCarl Smith:Johnny MachinenJohnny Hallyday:Killy WatchnLes Cousins:Killy WatchnGene Allison:Hey Hey I Love YounPriscilla Bowman:A Rockin’ Good WaynThe Rockin’ R S:MustangnBuddy Johnson:One More TimenThe Country Lads:I Ask HernConway Twitty:Long Black TrainnRichie Deran:Little WillienVernon Garrett:We The People Of The GhettonAvon And The Rave On’s:Honey Honey HoneynFerel Duncan:Flying Saucers RocketsnThe Treniers:Flip Our WingsnSusan Santos:Feeling GoodnGhost Hounds:We Rock HardnEddie Vineyard:Bo Beep RocknJessie Lee King:Rock And Roll OvernAretha Franklin-RespectnnDiffusion jeudi 27 février 2020 – 19h00nRediffusion dimanche 1er mars 2020 – 18h00nnnAnimation G.ViolsnRéalisation C.Méveln »

Happy HoursMusique

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