David Bowie Divergence
PlaylistnnnDavid Bowie / 2002 / Everyone says hi / HeathennnGizelle Smith / 2018 / Scared of something / Ruthless daynnCalexico / 2000 / Crystal frontier / Hot railnnThe Cars / 1984 / Heartbeat city / eponymennJad Wio / 1995 / Car crash / Monstre toinnJoe Jackson / 2019 / Dave / FoolnnSpecimen / 2007 Nothing last forever / Electric ballroomnnCovenant / 2002 / Bullet / Nothern lightnnBeth Hart Joe Bonamassa / 2013 / Nutbush city limitRubriquennStray Cats Runaways boysnnStray Cats Baby blue eyesnnBrian Setzer Orchestra The dirty boogiennStray cats When nothing going rightnTin Machine /1991 / You belong in Rock’n’RollnnnDiffusion mardi 17 septembre 2019 – 19h00nRediffusion dimanche 21 septembre 2019 – 00h30nnnAnimation Laurent et NiconRéalisation B.Bertrand«